Living on the EDGE: Mohammad Javad Jazaeri
TALENT alone isn’t enough to overcome issues like poverty and high child mortality-rates, says Iran’s Javad Jazaeri. That’s why he’s learning to be an engineer/diplomat.
What’s your name, and how old are you?
My name is Javad Jazaeri, and I am 25.
Where are you from? Where and what course or program are you doing?
I am from a beautiful city in Iran called Mashad and currently I am doing my Masters degree by research in mechanical engineering at RMIT University. The goal of my research is to make a pollutant-free world by improving the performance of electricity-storage-devices for electric vehicles.
How long have you been in Melbourne for and why did you choose to come to Melbourne? Did you come alone or with family?
I have been here since March 2011. My reason for choosing this marvellous city was the reputation of RMIT University, but when I came I found out that there was so much more to love about Melbourne, buildings, history, food, and above all people. My brother came here a few years before me.
What got you into the EDGE program? And what are you expecting to get from the program?
For a while I was thinking why people still suffer from things like extreme poverty and high child mortality even in developed countries when we have technologies, engineers and specialists and resources to overcome these obstacles. I realised that it is because specialists only know how to do things but they do not possess diplomatic and leadership skills to convince international organizations, governments and communities to do development projects. I am expecting by the end of this program that I will learn how to be an engineer/diplomat.
What does leadership mean to you?
For me it is to see the big picture, initiate, negotiate and work with people and move toward a better world.
What or who do you draw inspiration from, and why?
My supervisor. I have learnt so much from him about life.
What, in your opinion, is the most common misunderstanding/stereotype that people have of international students in Melbourne?
That they only hang out with people from their own country and do not associate with other nationalities, especially Australians.
I believe being surrounded by people from almost every country in the world gives international students a unique opportunity (or maybe challenge) to practice being a global citizen.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to be with people and listen to their stories. I am also learning Italian.
What are your other talents/hobbies outside the classroom?
I think one of my talents, which I developed in the past few months, is fixing my car, because every week there is something new to fix. My hobbies are driving to the country side, which explains why I have so much trouble with my car, writing and learning new languages.
Where is your favourite spot to hang out in Melbourne?
The front lawn of the state library.
What song gets you pumped or excited?
I love this song called “My way” by the one and only Frank Sinatra.
If I had a million dollars I would… support an NGO or organization to do development projects in Aboriginal communities.
If I only had $5 I would… start thinking about how I can turn it to one million dollars.
Mohammad Javad Jazaeri is among the 20 international student leaders selected to take part in the City of Melbourne’s EDGE 2012 program.