Meld goes geek
Good news everyone! The geeks are taking over!
Well, kinda. Plus it’s only me at the moment.
You see, I’ve been charged with injecting some sorely needed, vitamin D deprived, socially incompetent, testosterone into Meld Magazine. Now I’ve got a couple of ideas on how to bring this diabolical scheme to fruition, but I’ll need you minions people to help me out here.
I’ve only been in town for a few weeks, but I hear that you people love your internet cafes. Whether they’re of the trendy, upmarket variety where you clear your emails and surf the net, while sipping a hot one; or the dark dungeon kind where vulgarity-laden cyber warfare is enthusiastically engaged between friends, or with strangers, drop me a message about them so that I may spread the word far and wide.
Also, if any of you know the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, here on scholarship or in a job, as within your social circle, point me in his or her direction. I’d love to pick your friend’s brain like the Hunter from Left 4 Dead.
And since the high Australian dollar hasn’t exactly done any favours for our bank balances, I’d like to know where I can find good bargains on stuff like mobile phones, portable media players, computer components, and the latest installment of the Mass Effect trilogy. Do you shop online? Or do you patronize that dodgy back alley tech chop-shop run by some IT guru?
Or, if any of you have other story ideas for the geek uprising I’ve kickstarted here at Meld Magazine, do let me know.
Better yet, if you’re able and willing to write, why not come on board the enterprise? Just email me a cover letter, resume, and a sample of your work to our chief, and we should be in touch shortly.
In the meantime, do take a look at my insidious attempt to seduce you away from your books, and over to the dark side.