Facebook page calling for Singapore Press Holdings boycott
A FACEBOOK page calling for a boycott of a major news organisation in Singapore has been gaining momentum online.
An alleged retired Singapore Press Holdings editor has created a Facebook page saying he is “sick of censorship and biased media towards the ruling government” and urging people to boycott his former employer.
In the introduction, he states: “This page is managed by a retired SPH editor. “Like” my page to acknowledge that we are sick of censorship and biased media towards the ruling government. I do not mind being thrown into prison for what I say since I’m already a 65 year old man.”
The page was created on June 2, just after Straits Times Chief Editor Warren Fernandez announced that SPH, as an organization of professional journalists, does not see itself as “cheerleaders for any political party”.
The self-proclaimed retired editor also promised to disclose to the public his 30 years as a SPH editor via subsequent posts but, as of June 13, has yet to do so.
The page, which garnered some 300 ‘likes’ early last week has since attracted more than 1,200 supporters.
This follows a recent comment by another former SPH employee on a different facebook page, also denouncing the credibility of the organization.
Mr Peter Gan, a former SPH product manager, posted on facebook:
“I used to read Straits Times, Business Times, Zaobao, Wanbao, TNP (SPH newspapers) and believed what I read in the news since I was young. However, since I worked and left SPH I realize I can never ever see SPH in the same light, and I will NEVER ever believe any new articles by SPH ever again.”
He went on to say that he still reads those papers, but will never ever form his opinions “just based on articles from SPH but read the same articles from Reuters, Times of India, Washington Post / Huffington Post to see the overall coverage instead”.
When contacted by Meld about the boycott call on Facebook, SPH declined to comment.
“We will not be replying to your query,” a spokesman for SPH told Meld.
Both the creator of the Boycott Singapore Press Holdings Facebook page, and Mr Peter Gan could not be reached for comment at press time.