Meld hits Melbourne Fashion Week
AS far as first impressions go, the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival left nothing to chance. Rachel Furolo was there to see all the beautiful people and even more beautiful clothes.
Approaching Central Pier in Docklands for the opening event last week, I was greeted by giant projector screens with purple and pink strobe lights endorsing the motto ‘SEE. FEEL. REACT.’ The exterior served to excite, and upon entering the venue, things only got better.
It was all very Sex and the City. As I sifted through the sea of beautiful people to find my seat, I gave myself a once over to make sure I looked half decent.
Sparkling San Pellegrino and champagne flowed as more people filed in, of course dressed in undeniably glamorous and unique outfits.
Prime front row seating meant I was rubbing shoulders with Australian socialites from many walks of life. I saw former Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu, musician Kate Miller-Heidke and some of the Real Housewives of Melbourne. VAMFF really was the place to be.
The lights finally went down and the anticipation built with a montage of David Jones products filling the projector screens on either side of the long, white runway.
David Jones ambassador and all-round beauty Jessica Gomes opened the show in a sleek white ¾ length dress with fur bolero, setting the tone for the many chic and elegant looks featured on the catwalk.
Mimco, Cameo the Label and Banjo and Matilda stood out as brands to watch for girls, ticking all the boxes with colour blocking and casual chic – the in-vogue styles.
Noteworthy trends ranged from all black outfits where accessories shone, and colourful, busy prints.
For guys, Calibre and Jack London took the cake for sophistication with layers and prints being the trends to watch.
Leather, white converse runners and black and gold featured predominantly for both girls and guys, with the lines seemingly blurred between male and female fashion this coming season.
The hype and excitement of a runway show is immensely unique and a must for any fashion lover. It’s something I’ll never forget.
Stay tuned as we share all our hottest trends, beauty tips and runway gossip from the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival.