Australia’s leading international student news website

SEXtember 2020: Me, Myself and I-solation

Meld Magazine

Thu Sep 03 2020

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The year 2020 will forever be remembered as the year of Isolation and lockdown. Since March this year, we have endured and maintained a distance, both physical and social, as part of the #newnormal lifestyle while we try to reduce the number of COVID-19 infection and flatten the curve.

It’s unfortunate for us, when this year was supposed to be filled with travel and exploration of the nooks and crannies in life. But at the same time, staying at home has also given us the opportunity to reflect, and focus inwards.

Or it also makes us more creative in finding/meeting new people.

Sextember 2020 will feature stories such as reflections on religion and sex, dating apps and their niche purposes. since 2012 Sextember continue to open conversations about sex, identity and relationships, so that international students can have safe space and learn as much as they can to be comfortable in their own skin.

While you wait for upcoming stories, why don’t you reflect back on some of our sexy past stories? Last year our writer Jensen wrote about dating app addiction, how it traversed online and changed his real life behaviour. Or the year before Jason wrote about how smartphones and social media affects long distance relationships. Maybe set up a movie binge session from our 6 Movies That Showcase Gender and Sexuality ?

If you have a story or experience that you’d like to share with Meld (but wish to remain anonymous) please get in touch by sending an email to us by with the subject header ‘SEXtember 2020’. A Meld representative will be in touch with you if we want to feature your story!
