Avatar returns to IMAX
JAMES Cameron fans will be able to relive some of his magic in 3D with the release of the Avatar Special Edition at IMAX Melbourne Museum from August 26.
An extra eight minutes has been added to the two hour 40 minute long movie, and promises new footage, including new creatures and action scenes.
Audiences couldn’t get enough of Pandora, according to Cameron.
“Audiences repeatedly told me they wanted more of Pandora, and wished they could have stayed there longer. So we’re making that possible,” he said.
The Oscar and Golden Globe winning epic broke attendance and earnings records internationally.
At IMAX, more than 100,000 Melbournians queued up to watch Avatar. Its initial season grossed more than $2 million and sold out a record 152 consecutive screenings.
Release Date: 26 August, 2010
Where: IMAX Melbourne Museum, Carlton Gardens
Tickets: $22.50 adults, $18.50 concession, $16.50 child, $68.00 family (2 adults & 2 children)
Enquires: 03 9663 5454
Bookings: www.imaxmelbourne.com.au or at the box office