Go behind the scenes at Meld

What goes into the making of an online magazine? Our reporter and photographer were at the Melbourne Spring Fashion Week last year.
HAVE you ever wondered what goes on inside the newsroom? How do reporters, photographers, editors and designers put together the pages of your favourite paper or magazine?
For 2012, we’ve decided to do things very differently.
We want to open up Meld Magazine’s newsroom and invite you, our readers, to take part in our news gathering process. This is your space after all, a space where current and prospective international students can raise issues, talk about the things that matter here and at home, explore Australia and all it has to offer, and how to make the most out of the overseas student experience.

Some of our memorable moments in 2011. Our reporter Connie Foong gets a chance to meet YouTube star David Choi.
So from now on, we will be telling you the story ideas we’ve got brewing through our blog posts. Yes, before the stories are published, while our reporters are working on them. Tip us off if you’ve got information you think other students should know about, share those experiences you feel would enrich our stories, and put us in touch with the people we should be getting comments from.
If you’ve got ideas for stories you’d like to see published – serious or absurd – do let us know too! Are there inspiring people you would like us to interview? Food places that have rocked your taste buds? Issues that have been buried in mainstream media? We’re open to your suggestions.
And getting involved is easy!

Meld photographer Winston Chua with Adam Liaw. (Yes, he even brought his copy of the cookbook for him to sign. He's a fan, can you guess?)
All you have to do is leave your feedback, suggestions and comments underneath our blog posts. Too public for your liking? You can also email us at meld@meldmagazine.com.au.
So here’s to a year of new beginnings, and we hope you’ll make yourself at home in this space!

And it ain't always so glam behind the scenes. In search for the best instant noodles in town, the Meld team taste tested 44 brands of these three-minute foods.
Karen Poh, your editor, on behalf of all of us at Meld.
PS – Yes, that’s me in the middle in the pic above, nearly gagging after the second run of our instant noodle taste tests – the spicy soupy ones, in fact.