5 blogs you should be reading
WHY, hello, internet people! I haven’t been here in a while, but it seems like only yesterday when I was telling you all about Valentine’s Day!
Since the only upcoming holiday is Easter and I don’t feel like talking about chickens, bunnies or eggs, I shall tell you about what I do best… procrastinate… by reading a thousand blogs a day, that is. And since I know the assignments and essays are starting to pile up, what better time than to influence you to do the same?
1. The Bloggess
I could die laughing from the posts on The Bloggess and not even feel a sense of injustice. This woman is a giant blessing of profanities, awkwardness and unicorns all rolled in one. She’s the only person who makes me laugh out of fear and uncontrolled mirth at the same time. I am so excited about her book, which is set to be released, I could burst into flames. Do yourself a favour and get acquainted okay?
2. Laughing Squid
The Laughing Squid are the kings of the internet curators simply because they have been operating the web for fifteen years. That’s like… the time when floppy disks were still around. Not only do I love them because they are still curating the web fantastically, they used to do it with dial-up internet and that warrants enough respect from me.
3. Something a little closer to home… Cheeserland
I’m telling you, I used to abhor Japanese fashion before I started reading Cheeserland. And somehow, after all her posts about iris enlarging contact lenses, I’m now a fan. I know it doesn’t add up, but I love that she comes across as being extremely genuine and sweet. Moral of the story: Churchill was right, attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
4. Cupcakes and Cashmere
If you don’t know about this blog by now, you must not be one of the hundred thousand people visiting her website per day. But that’s okay, because everyone makes mistakes. Here is why you should read her Cupcakes and Cashmere:
a) She seems really nice
b) Her updates are always succinct and simple
c) I don’t see anyone in a 5 mile radius dressing in a way that remotely resembles her, i.e. she’s real fashion blogger material
d) She makes pie pops
e) All of the above
5. B for Bel
Oh wait, that’s me!
You see, I have a compulsive need to find and share amusing things. And by doing so on B for Bel, I make friends with other people who enjoy amusing things.
If you’re interested in looking at Barbie and Ken’s wedding pictures, actual purple polar bears, flaming strawberries cupcakes and finding out how to leave secret messages in egg shells, let’s dance!