The Social Series: How Twitter and LinkedIn can help in your job-hunt
IN the digital age, professional networking now extends to the connections and conversations you have online. Find out how you can use Twitter and LinkedIn to find jobs in the second part of our social series held next Thursday.
Social media has opened up new opportunities for job seekers to network, showcase their expertise and put themselves in front of potential employers.
In this second part of our Social Series, we’re inviting social media experts to share how students and fresh grads can use Twitter and LinkedIn in their job hunting endeavours.
Find out how Twitter can be used as a powerful professional networking tool, and in a world where first impressions count, why personal branding is important especially on social media, and what you’ll need to do to develop one.
And if you’re not already on LinkedIn, find out why everybody who is looking for a job needs to be on it, how you can make the most of the platform, and what to do and not to do when building your profile.
Will there be anything to eat on the night?
Yes, light refreshments will be provided, but we recommend you grab a bite on the way if your tummy is growling.
Is there a dress code?
Smart casual would be appropriate, so no shorts and slippers please.
Why are we doing this, and who is organising this?
Job-hunting on Social Media is the first of a two-part career-focused Social Series. It’s hosted by Meld Magazine in conjunction with Chai Junction, the Arrow Neighbourhood and ID Live, and proudly supported by the City of Melbourne and Western Union.
How much does it cost and do I have to register?
The event is almost free (we’ll be collecting a gold coin at the door), and registrations are essential and can be made via eventbrite. Places are limited, so do secure your seat early to avoid disappointment.
The event will be held on Thursday October 17 from 6 to 8.30pm at Level 10, Arrow on Swanston, 488 Swanston St, Carlton. If you have questions, or would like more information, head to our Facebook events page or email